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Care instructions



You can start moisturizing the tattoo area with cream 2 weeks before your session, this makes the skin softer and easier to tattoo.

Avoid drinking alcohol one or two days prior the session




- Wear Comfortable Clothes: If your tattoo is on your leg, for example, bring shorts.  I recommend to wear black clothes to avoid any stains and for photographic aesthetics

- Stay Hydrated: Bring a bottle of water.

- Snacks: I recommend bringing a good sandwich for a break during the session. You might also want to bring something sugary like Coke or chocolate bars, or whatever you feel like.

- No Need to Shave: Shaving the area is not necessary.

- Entertainment: Bring your headphones, tablet, or a book to keep you occupied during the session.

- Avoid certain drinks: Starting today, please avoid coffee, energy drinks, or alcoholic beverages.







• Avoid drinking alcohol for four days after the session as it may prolong the healing process, cause ink loss, and result in poor healing.

• Refrain from doing strenuous workouts for 5 days after the session.

• Do not scratch, pick, peel, or rub your tattoo while it is healing. Also, avoid exposing it to the sun for the first 2-3 weeks, and don’t wear tight clothing in the area.


• If you have second skin on, remove it after 1 to 3 days (72 hours), under a shower, pulling carefully and taking your time.


• Once the second skin is removed, clean the area with neutral soap, dry with a clean paper towel before applying cream, repeat this twice or thrice a day for 2 weeks, applying a thin layer of cream only when necessary (depending on your skin and weather).


• If you are not using second skin, be sure to cover your bed with a towel to avoid staining your sheets. You can remove the plastic the next morning and follow the cleaning routine explained in the last point. It is important to note that during the first few days of healing, your tattoo is an open wound. Do not over-moisturize or apply too much cream at once, as this may prevent the skin from closing the wound. I recommend cleaning the tattoo in the morning and waiting until the evening to apply the first layer of cream.


• It’s not recommended to go to the sauna, pool, sun exposure, or go on vacation during the healing process.


• After it’s healed, apply moisturizing cream and sunscreen with a factor of 50 to protect it from the sun. Using sunscreen is crucial as sun exposure can change the appearance of your tattoo if not taken care of.


That’s all! Thank you for your trust, and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about it.

Tattoo aftercare
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